I have a 12-year-old beagle who suffers from seasonal allergies, particularly toward the middle-to-end of summer...

I have a 12-year-old beagle who suffers from seasonal allergies, particularly toward the middle-to-end of summer. Her major symptom is very itchy paws. It seems like the Stimmune and/or Alge-Ex supplements are for this condition, but I'm wondering what the difference is. Which should I try for her... or both?

For seasonal allergies, we recommend Alge-Ex as it helps treat inflamed nasal passages and enhances immune function. You also should always remember to wash or at least wipe her feet after coming in from outside. This will help to remove the residues of grasses and pollens. Another option for this is to find some cute booties for her to wear outside. She may not love it at first, but she’ll get used to it and it will help to protect her feet. Our topical Ouch Away Spray can also help to soothe the irritation on her feet. It is sprayed directly onto the irritated areas a couple times daily. It is completely safe if your pup happens to lick it off.

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